Username Analysis: OSINT (TradeCraft)Username often acts as a brand/identity for Social Media users. And is one of the most common data points to start off with during an…Feb 3, 20243Feb 3, 20243
Published inSystem WeaknessWhat is SOCMINT?!?(Social Media Intelligence): IntroductionSocial media, It our go to place for the vast majority of our daily entertainment, News intake, information on career opportunities…Jan 7, 2024Jan 7, 2024
Published inSystem WeaknessWireshark investigation: Network Traffic AnalysisIn this fictional investigation, we be acting as a SOC engineer for mock company called X-CORP, supporting the SOC infrastructure. During…Dec 9, 20232Dec 9, 20232
Online Privacy: For the Social Media AgePrivacy is a ever reliant topic within the online ecosystem. You have companies marketing how private & secure their products are compared…Nov 25, 20231Nov 25, 20231
What is OSINT?(part 3): The rules of the tradeThis is the final article in the short OSINT trilogySep 2, 2023Sep 2, 2023
A Guide To Twitter’s Search Operators: OSINT 🕵️♂️Whether or not you’ve signed up for Twitter, you have the power to perform detailed queries on the endless stream of Tweets by using the…Apr 22, 2023Apr 22, 2023
Published inSystem Weakness| Useful Browser Extensions for OSINT Practitioners |While modern browsers are robust and provide a lot of functionality, they can be unlocked to do some pretty spectacular things with the…Dec 4, 2022Dec 4, 2022
Essential Security Awareness Training Topics for any Organization 🐱💻🏢One question that you might ask yourself, what are the essential security awareness training topics that you need to know for 2022? In this…Aug 20, 20221Aug 20, 20221
How to uncover the identity of an unknown Email Address: OSINT🔍When encountering an unknown Email address it may seem like a dauting task to reveal the identity/owner of said email but in reality it can…Aug 20, 2022Aug 20, 2022